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  • Jules

We are more than a clothing line, we are a movement.

Have you ever felt like the weight of the world was on your back and yet none of the battles were truly yours to fight? That was my life the past couple years. Dealing with the death of a friend, my brother’s kidney failure, my mother’s cancer and working for a company built on lies that promised the world and delivered hell. As I drink this amazing coffee, I will tell you more...

By 2016 my brother had successfully received a transplant, my mother was in remission and I was still stuck at a “company” that was going nowhere. Employees didn't last, investor meetings were just that, meetings and never saw those people again. None of the projects lifted off the ground and the few that did always came with a lot of problems and unnecessary drama.

Things were great at home, my marriage better than ever and yet I had an anxiety attack. Chest pain, not being able to breath and the feeling of my head about to explode is what I felt. After several medical exams, the result was that it was pure anxiety. I had to analyze my life and figure out what was affecting me so much. I sat and listed everything and weighed the pros and cons of my life and the only thing that was truly affecting me was my so called job.

So I quit. Simple as that, walked away from a job that had promised me so much money that I’d be able to take care of my parents and my family… WRONG! It gave me stress, anxiety, made me tap into my savings and a daily headache. I was doing the job of 6 full time employees with late pay checks.

A week after I quit, I woke up, looked over at my daughter (she sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night) and felt so light, literally. My heart was lighter, my mind was clear and my soul needed some prioritizing. I felt LIBERATED. That’s where LIBERATED begins…

We are not just a clothing line, we are movement.

I want people, especially women to feel strong enough to leave those vicious cycles we get stuck and scammed into. We are some of the strongest and powerful creatures to exist. We make babies for God’s sake! Our breast leak some of the most nutritious liquid to exist! How do we get stuck in unhealthy relationships?

Truth is, we do. It happens daily. Friendships, business partners, lovers… there’s scammers in every category, but we do not have to be attached to them. If someone is not providing something positive in your life, let them go, liberate yourself from them, it will be OK! Lets support each other and empower one another.

Stop fighting battles that don’t belong to you.

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