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  • Jules

Eating My Feelings!

I have always been the person to eat my feelings. I eat when I'm happy because I'm happy. I eat because I'm sad and I'm sad because I eat. That's just part of my personality and a common trait amongst others.

So now, imagine my emotions during a job transition... 🤔

I am in pursuit of my dream of having my own business with the hopes to be able to leave something built for my daughter's future. Add a broken marriage and divorce to that pile of emotions, which I will talk about in a later blog (I don't think I'm ready yet)... point is... I gained a lot of weight.

The "before" picture you guys are seeing, was already a a couple months head start to my weight-loss journey. I had to turn my stress and anger into something productive and positive.

The cliche saying "God works in mysterious ways" hasn't been more true. By chance, (and blessing) I bump into my high school friend Rubi*. Who (thank God) is now my nutritional coach and inspiration. She's helped me lose weight, kept me on track, checks in on me daily and introduced me to my AlphaUno family who I work out with religiously. AlphaUno has become such an important element in my life and a blessing. Thanks to our coach Rodney, I have pushed my body to strengths and limits I NEVER imagined I could and made some incredible friends along the way. Working out has become my escape. It's where I release a lot of my frustrations and anger which help me be a better person, patient mother and the ability to have a clear mind to make better decisions/choices. I know I have a long way to go, but I'm enjoying the journey! Can't wait to show you guys another 1 month transformation!

Rubi! Can't thank you enough for being a friend, an ear and a shoulder to cry on. As a fellow single mom (a hot one at that!) you've brought some incredible and strong women into my life that I will always be grateful for! I was crushed when you found me and now I feel stronger than ever before. You're a big part of my rebuilding. Love you!

*Backstory! Rubi and I went to prom wearing the same dress but different color and we had no idea. It was funny then and we still laugh now! 🤣

In Jenni Rivera's words.... Sin capitan me la avente!

For more information:Rubi IG @_celina_j


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