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  • Jules

Home made snow!

My daughter is very much into arts, crafts, and sensory toys such as slime. Due to it being winter, we took advantage to teach her about snow! We decided to make some at home!!!

Now there's multiple ways of making snow, but this is how we did it! It's lasted several days and she absolutely loves it!

You can find all the items at the dollar store.

You will need the following:

1lb of baking soda

shaving cream

Large rectangular container

*2 -3 drops Essential oil for scent (optional)

1. Begin by pouring the entire box of baking soda in a bowl or rectangular container.

(We started with a bowl, but switched to a longer dish because it was easier to play in.)

2. Slowly add the shaving cream and mix with your hands until you get the desired texture.

*if you make it too soft, not to worry, set it aside and let it dry a bit. Mix with your hands again.

After you're done playing with it, cover it and save to play with again! We've been playing with ours for a few days and its still great. It will have a "fluff" consistency, which is softer than kinetic sand.

I've seen other recipes that use conditioner, but we used shaving cream and it worked great! Due to the baking soda, it will feel cold to the touch. You can use this time to explain to your child the different types of snow there are!

It's that simple! We went a little further and cut out construction paper and sticks to make our snowman.

*If it gets messy, not to worry! It cleans up rather easily with a broom or a vacuum.

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